Sponsors (New Lowell Minor Baseball)

Organization & Other Major Sponsors
All Ontario Recycling
359 Tiffen Street, Barrie, On, L4N 9W6
Clearview Automotive
Located at 5339 County Road 9, New Lowell, On L0M 1N0 Phone Number: 705-424-9421 T-Ball Sponsor
Coates Creek Cabinetry
5649 County Road 9, New Lowell ON L0M 1N0
Geothermal Solutions
[email protected] P: (705)435-7566 528194 5th Sideroad Mulmur, Ontario L9V 0R5
Jamie's Main and Local
Jamie's Main & Local 7272 ON-26 Stayner, ON L0M 1S0 Telephone: (705) 428-6626
Maidens Family Auto Care
Maidens Family Auto Care 141 Welham Road, Unit 2 Barrie 705-722-7900 [email protected] Craig and Heather Maidens
McKee Tirecraft Collingwood
McKee Tirecraft Collingwood (Nottawa) 4359 County Road 124 Collingwood, Ontario L9Y 3Z1 McKee Tirecraft is conveniently located at 4359 County Road #124 Collingwood. If you are travelling south on #124 from Collingwood go south of Poplar Side road about 1km and we are on the left (east) side of the road as you start to come into Nottawa. From Stayner head west on Highway #91 out of town past the Tim Hortons until you come to the stop light in Duntroon.
New Lowell Legion 516
18U Sponsor - 2023 Season
RJ Burnside Enterprises
R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited (Burnside) is a Canadian and International engineering and environmental consulting firm, founded in 1970. Our 400+ strong team provides exceptional solutions to clients across industries. We invite you to learn more about us, and how the difference is our people. 3 Ronell Crescent Collingwood, On L9Y 4J6
Stayner & District Kinsmen
213 Louisa Street Stayner, On L0M 1S0 Phone: 705-321-9821 Non-Profit Organization
Stayner Lions Club
277 Regina St. PO Box 481 Stayner, On L0M 1S0 Phone: 705-428-5294 Serving Clearview Township
Steer Enterprises
Diesel Engine, Heavy Truck & Trailer Repairs, Tire Sales & Service, Parts Sales Located in Cashtown at the corner of County Roads 42 and 9.
Stephens Trucking
[email protected] 705-424-6697
Trotts Sports Excellence - Collingwood
Trotts Sports Excellence 290 Hurontario Street, Collingwood, On., L9Y 2M3 (Between Royal Bank and the Dairy Queen)
1 Greengage Road, New Lowell, On L0M 1N0