New Lowell Minor Baseball Association
Code of Conduct for 2024
NLMBA Mission:
We are a select and a house league. Our aim is to have FUN and learn the Fundamentals of Baseball.
1. All coaching staff, players and parents must remember that they represent New Lowell and must act with respect and consideration to others.
2. All spectators, coaches and players shall show good sportsmanship towards umpires and all teams, be it their own or opposing teams. Anyone displaying intolerable behaviour or using profanity could face suspension.
3. It is a privilege to have the use of playing fields (home or away), it is up to each individual to treat these facilities with respect.
4. Umpires decisions are final, including young umpires who are just learning. Protests from coaches, parents and spectators will be considered intolerable behaviour. Only coaches shall ask the umpires for clarification on a call in a respectful and cordial manner.
5. We are a house league, our coaches will strive to create equal playing opportunities for all players, keeping safety in mind and ensuring that a player’s ability is neither exploited or puts any player in harms way.
6. Coaches consider practices very important. Players are expected to attend every practice. If a player cannot make it to a game or practice, the coach shall be notified.
7. Any concerns should be forwarded to the coaching staff. If it cannot be resolved in this manner, it then should be forwarded to the executive committee.
8. Not everyone will agree on everything throughout the year which will lead to potential conflict or disputes. When this should occur, each party will take a “24 hour cool down period” before addressing the situation.
9. Equipment and uniforms will be handed out in good condition; it is expected to be returned in the same manner.
10. All coaches must adhere to COVID-19 Return to Play Guidelines, Arm Care Rules and Rowan's Law. Take the appropriate training as required.
11. As an Association, we must adhere to the SSMBA Rules and Regulations.
Thank you New Lowell Minor Baseball Executive October 2023