2025 Divisions by Age
House League Fees:
$80 - 6U (T-Ball) - born 2019, 2020, 2021
$140 - 8U - born 2017, 2018
$140 - 9U - born 2016, 2017
$160 - 11U - born 2014, 2015
$180 - 13U - born 2012, 2013
$190 - 15U - born 2010, 2011
$200 - 18U+ - born 2007, 2008, 2009 {plus four overage players born in 2006}
$400 - 22U - born 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006
Rep Fees:
$340 - 10U - born 2015;
$340 - 11U - born 2014.
Select Fees:
$360 - 13U - born 2012, 2013
The additional fees for Select in comparison to House League covers YSBA Registration, YSBA Playdowns, Baseball Ontario Fees, one Invitational Tournament, additional diamond time, longer regular season schedule - umpire fees, hats, pictures, money for year end party, money to augment provincials / tournament.
Please note that Select Teams are picked by the coach of the team.
Deposit Fees: (For all Registrants)
$100 - Uniform Deposit 8U - 18U - Deposit Returned once uniform is returned. Post Date Cheques for 1 October 2025;
$150 - Volunteer Initiative Deposit - Deposit Returned at end of Season providing an parent / family has provided 3 hours of volunteer time. Post Date Cheques for 1 August 2025.
Uniform Deposit is per player except for 6U Division players. Volunteer Initiative Deposit is per family.
Deposits are to be paid at the time of the Registration Fees.
NLMBA Executive, Coaches, Assistant Coaches (max 4 / team) will be exempt from Volunteer Initiative Deposit.
~ Target is 12 - 14 Players for all divisions.
Family Discount - Third and subsequent registration fees from one family can deduct $50.