NLMBA Accepting Donations for Memorial Bench, News (New Lowell Minor Baseball)

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Jan 29, 2025 | TH | 599 views
NLMBA Accepting Donations for Memorial Bench
New Lowell Minor Baseball Association is currently accepting donations to raise funds for a Memorial Bench in memory of Ben Martin, who played and most recently coached in this Association during the 2024 season. Ben passed away 15 January 2025. The picture above is Ben on the left, playing third base on New Lowell Diamond 1 in August 2023 and on the right, a picture of bench similar to the one that is being purchased for this initiative.

The goal of the NLMBA is to raise approximately $2300.00 by May 2025 and have the Memorial Bench installed in a public location in the vicinity of the New Lowell Recreation Park on County Road 9. The bench will feature a plaque dedicated to the memory of New Lowell player and coach, Ben Martin.

The Minor Baseball Association is requesting and accepting donations from the public for the bench. If you wish to donate to the bench, please EFT donations to e-mail: [email protected] and please indicate in the message of the EFT that the funds are for the "Memorial Bench". These funds will be tracked and allocated for the purchase of a "Memorial Bench". If you should have any questions regarding this initiative, please send inquiries to e-mail: [email protected]
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