Jan 12, 2025 | TH | 51 views
NLMBA Deposits Information for 2025
There are two deposits required for the 2025 Season; Uniform Deposit - $100.00 and Volunteer Initiative Deposit (VID) - $150.00. Both deposits are required to be submitted at the time of registration. If deposits are not received at the time of registration, the registration will be considered incomplete and spot will be filled by other registrants.
Uniform Deposit ($100.00)
All members that register players to the NLMBA are required to submit the $100.00 deposit per player for the jersey (6U excluded). The deposit can be submitted by cash, EFT or by cheque, post dated 1 October 2025. Once the jersey is returned at the end of the year the deposit for the uniform will be returned within three weeks. If the jersey is not returned and in good repair, the deposit of $100.00 will be retained by the NLMBA.
Volunteer Initiative Deposit - VID ($150.00)
The VID of $150.00 is required per family, so whether you register one, two or three children from a family, it remains a $150.00 deposit. This deposit is required for all divisions from 6U - 22U. The deposit can be submitted by cash, EFT or by cheque, post dated 1 August 2025. The deposit will be returned once the parent completes 3 volunteer hours within 3 weeks of an sanctioned activity. If the 3 volunteer hours are not completed during the baseball season, the $150.00 will be retained by the NLMBA.
The following positions are exempt from the VID such as NLMBA Executive Member, Head Coach, Assistant Coaches (Maximum 4 per Team), Team Manager, and Baseball Ontario accredited active Trainer. All head coaches, assistant coaches and Team Managers must be rostered to the team to receive the exemption.
If not exempted from the VID, then the parent / guardian must volunteer 3 hours at a NLMBA sanctioned event. Examples of sanctioned events that count towards the 3 hours of volunteering is the Spring Park Clean-up, Bottle Drive Fundraisers, Assisting at the Food Booth during events, Field Maintenance during NLMBA Tournaments, Assisting with other duties at NLMBA Tournaments. If the 3 hours are not met then the VID of $150.00 will be retained.
Everyone registering will be required to check off whether or not if they intend to complete their 3 volunteer hours on the registration form. If the answer is "Yes" you will still be required to submit the VID, you will be notified of the volunteer events and the deposit returned at the end of the season. If the answer is "No" the VID will be retained and you will not receive regular notifications of volunteer events.
Activities that do not count towards volunteer hours and are unsanctioned events or activities are: diamond set-up, scorekeeping and pitch counting. Parents assisting with practices on the field who are not rostered to the team will not be credited hours towards the Volunteer Initiative.
Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Managers are not authorized to grant volunteer hours to parents for unsanctioned events or activities. All special considerations are to be requested through the NLMBA President.