May 06, 2024 | TH | 449 views
New Lowell Community Diamond Spring Clean-up
New Lowell Minor Baseball Association (NLMBA) conducted its annual park clean-up at the New Lowell Recreation Park getting the busy park and diamonds ready for the season.
The event seen many parents and members show up to participate in the clean-up on a sunny and warm spring day that was scheduled for 3 hours. The commitment by 25 parents and members proved again to be valuable this year in assisting getting the diamonds prepared for the upcoming season. The team of volunteers worked diligently cleaning the fields, staining the benches, maintenance with the on-deck circles, re-sinking homeplate, repairing the fence and freshening the dugouts. The park still had a significant amount of standing water and the team of parents were not able to drag.
Thank you to everyone who came out to pitch in.